Coming Home

For intermediate and advanced players
In calling this publication of some of my compositions from the past few years "Coming Home", I wish to address a profound aspect of my music which is of great importance for life and for humanity in general.
"Coming Home" is a metaphor for an inner "coming home to oneself" and for "finding an inner peace within". One could also understand it as arriving at the primal source of being. Here it is where peace for the world and for humanity is born.
Since my compositions come from deeply within myself and from a very intensitive "listening within" I hope to inspire you with these compositions, to make contact with your inner world and to give you warmth, shelter, hope and high spirits.
Another aim of my music's complexity is to continually explore new and different technical and musical possibilities of the harp, as in "No one can stop me now".
Coming Home
Afternoon voices
It's time to say goodbye
My sister's song
No one can stop me now
Mayo Bay
Travelling (On the Road)
I feel good
Also distributed by Musikverlag Doblinger.